I’m running to help council refocus on what matters: making responsible decisions that will improve our health and well-being as individuals, communities, and businesses, as we care for each other and our environment.
For the next 2.5 years, I commit to moving the City of Victoria Strategic Plan (2019-2022) responsibly and practically forward for “a bold, thriving, inclusive, and happy city that people love.” I will work for our collective Prosperity , our vital Planet, our special Places, and our healthy People.
A strong economy is linked with positive health outcomes. We are a prosperous city and yet, not all of us are prospering. We need to continue to encourage strong, diverse local and regional economies. No one gets left behind. We all need a paycheck for a good period of our lives.
Positive climate action needs us all. The City of Victoria has a bold, aggressive and thorough Climate Leadership Plan (2018). From reducing carbon emissions to improving our stormwater systems, we all need to commit and do more now, at a local level. And we need to do it together.
The way we build our city shapes our mental health and well-being. I am a healthcare professional experienced in supporting positive health outcomes for individuals and families. I understand the impact of environment - natural and man-made - on health. I will help guide our city to make the decisions needed so that our physical, built environments promote social cohesion and protect our mental health and well-being.
Nothing about you without you. Victoria is alive with opportunity and change. In speaking with residents, I've heard that it's not that we don’t like change; it's that we don’t like being left in the dark about things that are important to us.